Sunday, January 23, 2011

Be My VFF!

Well, I've been busy!  I have been meditating and asking for some inspiration, something that I can do that's different to help supplement me prior to my upcoming show in April.  I don't have a lot of venues right now because I'm scattered all over the place.  Need to focus on one part at a time.  Get the photos done and upload to websites.  Get videos done and upload to website.  Get website monetized. Get inventory for shows done.  Study for metaphysical course too! Whew!
I took a day and pulled out numerous books to flip through to get some ideas.  Well, it worked because the next morning when I awoke, I thought, I'm going to do something for Valentines day.  Something that friends can exchange without having to feel left out!  Let's face it, as much as we say it means nothing, every year we secretly hope we get a Valentine!  So, I've designed a card with a twist.  A card that WILL be saved by the recipient as a keepsake.  Perfect.  Women love this stuff.  Valentines is NOT just for lovers.  I get all mushy when my son gives me a Valentines card or sentiment!  We don't have to have a lover for the day to be important.  So this one for me is all about VFF's!!  Valentine Friend Forever!  Clever, huh? I thought that up as well as some very short and to the point comments to put on these 'cards'.  It's a type of fiber art card.  You'll see it when I'm done!

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